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Who plays HOCKEY?

A .   A
B .   B
C .   D
D .   E
Answer: Option A

The given information can be tabulated below.
PERSONSPORTNATIVEPLAYSBChennaiMumbaiCSwimsX PuneFootballX PunePuneHockeyHyderabadDX ChessX BangaloreBangalore
From the above table we can deduce that
1 ) D is a native of Pune
2) B plays Chess and D pays Cricket
3) C plays in Hyderabad
4) Since E is a native of Bangalore, the only row available for this is row 3 and thus, we can also deduce that E plays Football in Pune
5) therefore, C is a native of Mumbai. The table can now be completely filled
A plays HOCKEY. Option (a)

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