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Who is/are the tallest among A, B, C, D and E?
I. D is the tallest among C, D and E.

II. B, who is not shorter than D, is not the shorter of A and B.

A .   if the question can be answered by using any of the statements alone but not by using the other statement alone.
B .   if the question can be answered by using either of the statements alone.
C .   if the question can be answered only by using both the statements together.
D .   if the question cannot be answered.
Answer: Option D
I. D is the tallest among C, D & E. But, we don't know anything about A & B. Hence, I is not sufficient.
II. B is not shorter than D, means B is either taller than or equal to D, But, this is not sufficient, as nothing is known about C & E. Combining I & II,
We get that D is the tallest of C, D & E. And B not shorter of A & B. Among B & D it is not known whether they are of equal height or B is taller, which means either B is the tallest in the group or D;

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