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Which one of the following most accurately states the central idea of the passage?
A .  Abrams argues that historical sociology rejects the claims of sociologists who assert that the sociological concept of structuring cannot be applied to the interactions between individuals and history.
B .  Abrams argues that historical sociology assumes that, despite the views of sociologists to the contrary, history influences the social contingencies that affect individuals.  
C .  Abrams argues that historical sociology demonstrates that, despite the views of sociologists to the contrary, social structures both influence and are influenced by the events of history.
D .  Abrams describes historical sociology as a discipline that unites two approaches taken by sociologists to studying the formation of societies and applies the resulting combined approach to the study of history.
Answer: Option D
This is a main theme question.
The first half of the option “Abrams describes historical sociology as a discipline that unites two approaches taken by sociologists to studying the formation of societies” is the summary of the first paragraph and the second half of the option is the summary of the second and third paragraph.
Look at these lines in the first paragraph -
“sociologists’ approach to the subject is usually to focus on only one of these forms of influence to the exclusion of the other”.
The author states that the sociologist always focused only on one of the forms. But the author never states that the views of the sociologist were contrary to the form.
So option (b) and (c) are wrong.

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