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Which team was at the second position at the end of group matches?

A .   Bournemouth
B .   Southampton
C .   Sunderland
D .   Aston Villa
Answer: Option C

3 matches ended in a draw, total number of bonus points scored is 14 and Everton lost against Bournemouth by 1 - 4.
Bournemouth won 1 match and drew 0 matches as the total number of matches played by each team is 5.
Arsenal scores 13 points only if its 1 match ended in a draw and it lost 2 matches.
Southampton lost 1 matches and drew 0 matches, it won 4 matches as the total number of matches played by each team is 5.
Bournemouth won its only match against Everton by 4 - 1, they scored only one bonus point as the difference between number of goals scored is 3.
Also, 3 matches ended in a draw.
Total number of wins and losses will be 12 as the total number of matches played is 15.
Following table can be made on the basis of above statements:

Now, total number of bonus points is 14.
Southampton scored 5 bonus points.
Southampton scored a total of 25 points and the difference between the total points scored by Southampton and Aston Villa is 12.
Aston Villa scored 13 points and won 2 matches with 1 match ending in a draw.
3 matches ended in a draw, the total number of draws is 6.
Sunderland drew 2 matches, lost 1 match and scored a total of 18 points.
Finally, the total number of wins and losses is 12.
Everton won 1 match and lost 2 and scored a total of 11 points.
Following table can be made on the basis of above statements:

Everton won against Aston Villa 2 - 0.
Everton scored both its bonus points against Aston Villa.
Everton did not defeat any other team of higher rank.
At the end of the group matches, Sunderland has the second highest number of points.
Hence, option C.

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