Sail E0 Webinar

Which of the following teams was the runner-up in the tournament?

A .   England
B .   Bangladesh
C .   India
D .   None of these
Answer: Option B

Team with 20,17,12,9 points are India , South Africa, England and Bangladesh respectively.

After the second round, India has 12 points, SA has 2 points, England has 6 points and Bangladesh has 7.

Given that Team4 has 3 draws. Therefore it has 6 points after the second round. Hence this team is England.

Rest all teams have 1 draw in account which is against England. Its given that Team 1 has 0 win and Team 3 has 1 loss. Therefore only Team 2 has the possiblity of securing 12 points. Hence team 2 is India.

Team 1 has 0 win and 1 draw. Maximum possible points for this team is 2. Hence this team is SA.

WDLPointsTeamTeam10122South AfricaTeam221012IndiaTeam31117BangladeshTeam40306England

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