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Which of the following statements are correct with regard to the Mauryan king Ashoka?

  1. He suppressed a revolt in Taxila during his father Bindusara’s reign.

  2. According to Taranatha of Tibet Asoka captured power after killing his ninety-nine brothers.

  3. The effects of the Kalinga war were described by Asoka himself in the Rock Edict XIII.

  4. Asoka embraced Buddhism under the influence of Buddhist monk, Upagupta.

Select the answer from the codes given below:
A .  1, 3, and 4
B .  2, 3, and 4
C .  1, 2, and 3
D .  1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer: Option A
Answer: (a)
There is little information regarding the early life of Asoka. He acted as Governor of Ujjain and also suppressed a revolt in Taxila during his father Bindusara’s reign. There was an interval of four years between Asoka’s accession to the throne (273 B.C.) and his actual coronation (269 B.C.).
Therefore, it appears from the available evidence that there was a struggle for the throne after Bindusara’s death. The Ceylonese Chronicles, Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa state that Asoka captured power after killing his ninety-nine brothers including the elder brother Susima.
The youngest brother Tissa was spared. But according to Taranatha of Tibet, Asoka killed only six of his brothers. Asoka’s Edict also refers to his brothers acting as officers in his administration. However, it is clear that the succession of Asoka was a disputed one.
The most important event of Asoka’s reign was his victorious war with Kalinga in 261 B.C. Although there is no detail about the cause and course of the war, the effects of the war were described by Asoka himself in the Rock edict XIII: “A hundred and fifty thousand were killed and many times that number perished…” After the war, he annexed Kalinga to the Mauryan Empire.

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