Sail E0 Webinar

What is the ratio ACBC for the line segment AB following the construction method below?
Step 1. A ray is extended from A and 30 arcs of equal lengths are cut, cutting the ray at A1,A2,...,A30
Step 2. A line is drawn from A30 to B and a line parallel to A30B is drawn, passing through the point A17 and meet AB at C.

A .   17:30
B .   17:13
C .   13:17
D .   13:30
Answer: Option B

Here the total number of arcs is equal to m+n in the ratio m:n.

The triangles AA17C and  AA30B are similar.

Hence,  ACAB = AA17AA30=1730

BCAB = 1 -  17301330

Hence, ACBC = 171317:13

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