Sail E0 Webinar

What is the highest value of Net Runs per wicket (NRW) for a team? NRW is calculated as thedifference between runs per wicket scored by the team and runs per wicket conceded by the team?

A .   10
B .   12.2
C .   22
D .   13.6
E .   25
Answer: Option D

 answer is option (d) and the team which has this high RRD is team A. Let us see how

Total Runs scored by team A = 263+290+185+306=1044

Wickets lost= 5+3+10+4=22

Run per wicket =1044/22 = 47.45

Total runs conceded = 258+260+188+307 = 1013

Wickets taken = 10+10+2+8= 30

Runs per wicket conceded = 1013/30= 33.77

Net runs per wicket = 47.45- 33.77 = 13.6

Other two teams will have a lower value than this.

C= 30.8 & B=12.3

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