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What is the average (arithmetic mean) height of the n people of a certain group?

(1) Height of the tallest person in the group is 6 feet 2.5 inches and the average height of the rest of the people in the group is 5 feet 10 inches

(2) The sum of the heights of the n people is 178 feet 9 inches

A .   If the question can be answered with statement 1 alone
B .   If the question can be answered with statement 2 alone
C .   If both statement 1 and statement 2 are needed to answer the question and
D .   If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both statements
Answer: Option C
From statement 1: 74.5+(n1)70n
From statement 2: 74.5+(n1)70=2145
Using both the statements, average height of the n people can be determined.

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