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What is the age of Ram?
I. Sum of the ages of Ram and Shyam was 60 five years back.

II. Sum of the ages of Ram and Shyam would be 100 fifteen years from now.

A .   if the question can be answered by using any of the statements alone but not by using the other statement alone.
B .   if the question can be answered by using either of the statements alone
C .   if the question can be answered only by using both the statements together.
D .   if the question cannot be answered
Answer: Option D
Option d
I. Let R & S be the ages of Ram & Shyam respectively.
Age of Ram 5 years back = R - 5 & Shyam = S - 5
(R - 5) + (S - 5) = 60 or R + S = 70 ...(1)
Hence, I alone is not sufficient.
II. Ages of Ram & Shyam fifteen years hence will be R + 15 & S + 15
(R + 15) + ( S + 15) = 100
R + S = 70 .....(2)
Hence, II alone is not sufficient .
Combining I & II,
We are getting the same equation in both case, hence we cannot conclude what are the ages of Ram & Shyam.

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