Sail E0 Webinar

What can be said regarding the two statements if it is known that number of people in each of the cities is an integral multiple of 100?
Statement 1: - The total number of people in Bangalore is less than that in Mumbai

Statement 2: - The total number of people from north India in Bangalore is more than the number of people from north India in Mumbai.

A .   Both statements are true.
B .   Both statements are false.
C .   If statement 1 is true, then statement 2 is false.
D .   If statement 1 is true, only then, statement 2 is true
Answer: Option C
Statement 1- B<M
Statement 2- NB>NM=>13% of B> 15% of M (This is possible only if B>M)
Thus, if statement 1 is true, statement 2 is definitely false.


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