The passage suggests that the researchers mentioned in the second paragraph who observed anteaters break into a nest of ants would most likely agree with which of the following statements?
The best answer is D. The last sentence in the passage implies that the researchers believed that the anteaters’ locating of their unseen prey was too prompt and too deliberate to be accidental.
Choice A is incorrect: researchers were unable to confirm that the anteaters’ favorite prey, termites, emitted electrical signals, and the observation of anteaters locating ants’ nesting chambers “suggests”,rather than proves conclusively, that anteaters use their electroreceptors to find prey.
Choice B is incorrect because here is no indication in the passage that researchers believed that the anteaters’ behavior was a typical. Choice C is incorrect because, according to passage, the researchers believed that the anteaters “were using their electroreceptorsto locate the nesting chambers”.
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