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The part of Equatorial region which has well developed rubber plantations is
A .  Indonesia
B .  Malaysia
C .  Amazon basin
D .  Zaire basin
Answer: Option B
Answer: (b)
Malaysia is the leading producer of natural rubber in the world. About 46% of the total world’s rubber is produced in Malaysia. The rubber plantation was started in Malaysia in 1877.
Rubber can grow anywhere in Malaysia, because of the suitability of climate and soil; but most of the rubber estates are concentrated in the western coastal plains of Malaysia.
The plantation in the coastal zone gets the advantage of the nearest port for its export. Yet very low areas are avoided in order not to suffer from stagnation of water.
The greatest production is in its Jahore State of Southern Malaysia. Here, rubber cultivation occupies about 4-2 million acres or about 65% of the total cultivated area in the country.

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