Sail E0 Webinar

The total demand for Cotton in 2005-06 in Country X is nearly balanced by the total supply of ______ in 2005-06.

A .   Food
B .   Food & Cotton
C .   Oil, Food & Plastic
D .   Oil & Silk
Answer: Option C

This question can be solved using the Factor of Multiplication(FOM) between both graphs FOM = 20635201023531 = 2010 2

Thus, since the cotton percentage is 32% in the Demand Graph, a similar value in the Supply Graph will be obtained by multiplying 32 with its factor of multiplication (2) = 32 × 2=64%.

Look at the answer options. Only option (c) – Oil +Food+Plastic =40+23+1= 64%. You can directly mark answer (c)

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