Sail E0 Webinar
The three performance counseling phases are
A .  Rapport building, Exploration, Action planning
B .  Support building, Exploration, Action planning
C .  Rapport building, Explanation, Action planning
D .  Rapport building, Exploration, Accurate planning
Answer: Option A
The three performance counseling phases are Rapport building, Exploration and Action planning. In the rapport building phase, a good counselor attempts to establish a climate of acceptance, warmth, support, openness and mutuality. In Exploration phase, the counselor should attempt to help the employee understand and appreciate his strengths and weaknesses. He should also understand his own situation, problems and needs. In Action Planning Counseling interviews should end with specific plans of action for development of the employee. The main contribution of the superior in this phase is in helping the employee think of alternative ways of dealing with a problem.

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