Sail E0 Webinar

The Organizers wants to devise a task time policy such that the total time to the participants to reach treasure is minimized. The policy should also ensure that not more than 70 per cent of the total traffic passes through junction B. The time taken by the participants travelling from point S to point T under this policy will be:

A .   7 hours
B .   9 hours
C .   10 hours
D .   8 hours
Answer: Option C

There must be one other route other than those involving B with the least cost as most only 70% participants can only use this route.
We must take S-D-C-T as the other route.
S-B-C-T, if task time at B = 3, total time= 10.
S-D-C-T, if task time at D and C is 0, total time is 10.
10 hours is the least time.

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