Sail E0 Webinar

The movies this week are showing in the following theaters:

Theatre 1ShoutTheatre 2AbraCadabraTheatre 4JealousyTheatre 5FlyTheatre 6Mist

Shout is doing the most business, followed by Trek and, to the management's surprise, Mist. The management wants to move Mist to a larger theater. Which theater is the most logical?

A .   theater 1
B .   theater 2
C .   theater 3
D .   theater 5
Answer: Option D

Since Shout is doing the most business and Trek the second most, they should remain in the two largest theaters. Also, the theater never shows a foreign film in the largest theater. Theaters 3 and 4 must show the movies that are rated G and PG, so the movies that are there must stay there. The most logical choice is to put Mist in theater 5 and Fly in theater 6. Option (d)

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