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The average amount spent by an American Foreign National for staying in a hotel in city E is Rs 3800. The average amount spent by a North Indian for staying in a hotel in city D is Rs 2375. What is the difference in expenditure on hotel stay by these two non-local groups over the given period? (Assume that all the individuals in the above mentioned groups stay in hotels during this period)

A .   350
B .   291.5
C .   300
D .   250.25
Answer: Option B

Number of non-local people from the American Foreign National category in City E in this period = 20% of 18.8% of 62641 = 2355 thousand

Total expenditure on hotels in this period in City E due to the American Foreign National category = (3800×2355 thousand) = Rs 895 crore

Number of non-local people in City D from the North Indian category in this period = 17% of 26.2% of 57055 = 2541 thousand

Total expenditure on hotels in this period in City D due to the North Indian category = (2375×2541 thousand) =Rs 603.5 crore

Difference in expenditure = 291.5 crore.

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