Sail E0 Webinar
Statement:The amount spent per year on printing various documents for providing information to Members of Parliament is so huge that it can bring about 25,000 families above the poverty line.Which of the following is a course of action that can be initiated to reduce this expenditure?
A .  The MPs should share the same document instead of asking for a document for each one individually.
B .  The documents should be printed in very small font and on both sides of the paper.
C .  The MPs should be provided with laptops and only soft copies of the documents should be provided to them.
D .  All documents should be printed in big font and displayed on the notice boards of the Parliament so that all MPs can refer to them.
E .  None of these
Answer: Option C

The problem to be solved is to reduce the amount spent on printing documents.Choice (1) is not practically implementable. As the MPs may be at different places or the document may get mutilated when many people handle it.Choice (2) is not implementable as it may not be possible to read the document.Choice (3) is a feasible course of action. Event some cost is involved in providing laptops to all the MPs, this is a one time expenditure. With this the amount spent on printing documents can be reduced to a great extent.Choice (4) has other problems like the MPs may not be able to remember the content of the document.Hence (3) is a feasible course of action.

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