Sail E0 Webinar
Statement:Should India allow the foreign media companies to buy stakes in the print media in India?Arguments:I. Yes, this will improve the quality of reporting in Indian newspapers by way of expertise and technological up gradation.II. No, they will divert people's mind from important national issues to trivial issues important to their interests.
A .  If only argument I is strong
B .  If only argument II is strong
C .  If either I or II is strong
D .  If neither I nor II is strong
E .  If both I and II are strong
Answer: Option A

I is strong because it says not only about the positive impact of foreign media on our reporting of newspaper but also how this change will come about. II is a weak argument because allowing foreign media companies to buy stakes does not implies that these companies will be given entirely free hand to operate print media in India. Besides, this argument assumes the reader to be stupid.

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