Sail E0 Webinar
Statement:Should all the students passing out from the government run colleges and desirous of settling abroad be asked to pay back the cost of their education to the government?Arguments:I. Yes, such students who study on the resources of the exchequer should be discouraged to leave the country.II. No, every citizen has the right to select their place of further study or work and therefore such a condition is unjustified.
A .  If only argument I is strong
B .  If only argument II is strong
C .  If either I or II is strong
D .  If neither I nor II is strong
E .  If both I and II are strong
Answer: Option E

Both the arguments I and II are strong. Argument I is strong because optimum use of the resources of the exchequer is desirable. Discouraging such people will lessen the problem of brain drain. Argument II is strong on the basis of the powers equipped by the constitution to the citizens.

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