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Statement I:
There was great exodus of Jaina monks under the leadership of Bhadrabahu to the Deccan following severe famine in the Ganga valley towards the end of Chandragupta’s reign.
Statement II:
Chandragupta Maurya joined the Jaina
A .  Both the statements are true and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I
B .  Statement I is false, but Statement II is true
C .  Both the statements are true, but Statement II is not the correct explanation of Statement I
D .  Statement I is true, but Statement II is false
Answer: Option A
Answer: (a)
The important occasion of Chandragupta Maurya’s reign was the forecast of a twelve years famine. At that time Acharya Bhadrabahu was the head of the Jain church. According to the Jain text Rajvaliya Katha, the king saw sixteen dreams.
He requested Bhadrabahu to interpret the dreams. The latter explained all the dreams and according to the last one, he predicted a famine of twelve years. Chandragupta, who was a follower of Bhadrabahu, gave up his throne. He finally ended his life following the Jain fashion.

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