Sail E0 Webinar
Should the manufacturing of leather products be prohibited?Arguments:I. Yes, killing animals for any reason other than survivals is making the environment dangerous.II. NO, leather products are the biggest foreign exchange earners.
A .  if only argument I is strong.
B .  if only argument II is strong.
C .  if either I or II is strong.
D .  if neither I nor II is strong.
E .  if both I and II are strong.
Answer: Option D

Statement I: There are two points to be considered.(a) Whether clothing is for survival or not?(b) Can we use the leather of those animals which are killed for food?Because statement I is not explaining the answers to the above questions. It is considered to be a weak argument.Statement II: It is most likely that the reason behind the proposal is more related to morals and feelings rather than money. Foreign exchange cannot be a valid argument in this context. Hence, both are weak arguments.

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