Sail E0 Webinar
Pick out the wrong statement.
A .  The controlling resistance in case of heating of air by condensing steam is in the air film.
B .  The log mean temperature difference (LMTD) for counter flow and parallel flow can be theoretically same when any one of the fluids (hot or cold fluid) passes through the heat exchanger at constant temperature.
C .  In case of a 1 - 2 shell and tube heat exchanger, the LMTD correction factor value increases sharply, when a temperature cross occurs.
D .  Phase change in case of a pure fluid at a given pressure from liquid to vapor or vice-versa occurs at saturation temperature.
Answer: Option C
Answer: (c).In case of a 1 - 2 shell and tube heat exchanger, the LMTD correction factor value increases sharply, when a temperature cross occurs.

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