Sail E0 Webinar
Match the following List I & List II:
List I
List II
A. Isobars
1. Temperature
B. Isohyets
2. Pressure
C. Isotherms
3. Rainfall
D. Isohel
4. Snowfall
5. Sunshine
Codes: A B C D
A .  2 3 1 5
B .  2 4 1 3
C .  2 1 3 5
D .  2 3 5 1
Answer: Option A
Answer: (a)
Isobars are lines on a weather map joining together places of equal atmospheric pressure.
A line drawn on a map connecting points, having equal rainfall at a certain time or for a stated period is called Isohyet.
Isotherms, lines connecting points of equal air temperature are used to map the geographic pattern of temperature across the earth’s surface. The spacing of isotherms depicts the temperature gradient across a portion of the Earth’s surface.
Isohel is a line on a map connecting places with an equal period of sunshine.

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