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Match the following:
Column-IColumn-IIA. Aquaporins 1. Transport two molecules inopposite direction B. Uniporters2. Use energy to carry substancesC. Symporters 3. Water channelsD. Antiporters 4. Transport two molecules in the same directionE. Pumps5. Transport one molecule
A .  A - 3, B - 5, C - 4, D - 1, E - 2
B .  A - 5, B - 4, C - 3, D - 2, E - 1
C .  A - 1, B - 2, C- 3, D - 4, E - 5
D .  A - 3, B - 5, C - 1, D - 4, E - 2
Answer: Option A
Carrier proteins are highly specific thus allow only selective molecules to pass through them. Aquaporins form water channels which allow only water to pass through. Some of the carrier proteins are uniporters which transport only one molecule, symporters transport two molecules in the same direction, antiporters transport two molecules in opposite direction and pumps use energy to transport substances.

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