Sail E0 Webinar
Match list ‘A’ with the list ‘B’ and list ‘C’ and choose the correct answer from the codes given below :
List ‘A’
List ‘B’
List ‘C’
1. Brihatkatha
A. Hala
E. Ardha-Magadhi
2. Gathasaptasati
B. Asvaghosa
F. Paisachi
3. Paumchariya
C. Gunadhya
4. Probodhachan
D. Vimalasuri
H.Sanskrit dodaya
Codes: 1 2 3 4
A .  1-(C, E), 2-(B, F), 3-(A, H), 4-(D, G)
B .  1-(C, F), 2-(A, G), 3-(D, E), 4-(B, H)
C .  1-(D, H), 2-(C, F), 3-(B, E), 4-(A, G)
D .  1-(C, F), 2-(A, E), 3-(D, H), 4-(B, G)
Answer: Option B
Answer: (b)
Brihatkatha is a mammoth work composed by Gunadhya. Gunadhya is told to record them in Paisachi dialect which is the language of the goblins. The Gaha Sattasai is a collection of poems in Maharashtri Prakrit. The poems mostly have love as a theme.
The collection is attributed to the king Hala, and it is the collection of about forty poems. The Ram epic Pauma-chariya by Vimala Suri may be called a Shvetambara work.
This was composed 530 years after Mahavira's death, that is, in or about AD 4.

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