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Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
List I
List II
(Ashoka’s contemporary rulers)
(Countries where they ruled)
A. Antiyoka
1. Cyrena
B. Autkina
2. Egypt
C. Maka
3. Macedoniya
D. Turmaya
4. Syria
Codes: A B C D
A .  2 1 3 4
B .  3 2 4 1
C .  4 3 1 2
D .  1 4 2 3
Answer: Option C
Answer: (c)
The correct match list is (Rulers - Country)
Antiyoka - Syria
Antikini - Macedonia
Maka - Cyrena
Turmaya - Egypt
kings-Antiyoka (Syria 261-246 B. C.)
Turamaya (Egypt, upto 247 B.C.),
Kairina Kamar (300-250 B.C.) Alika Sundara (Apiran, 272-258 B.C.),
Autkina (Macedonia 278—339 B.C.). Historians find that all these rulers were thus before 258 B. C.
The ruler of Apiran died in 258 B. C. but it finds mention in Ashoka’s inscription.

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