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Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below:
List I
List II
A. Dhamar
1. Krishna theme/ Holi theme
B. Thumri
2. Only rhythm is important
C. Tarana
3. Words are important
D. Tappa
4. Extinct
Codes: A B C D
A .  4 2 3 1
B .  1 3 2 4
C .  1 2 3 4
D .  4 3 2 1
Answer: Option B
Answer: (b)
Dhamar — Krishna theme. Dhamar is one of the talas used in Hindustani classical music. It is associated with the dhrupad style and typically played on the pakhawaj. Dhamar tala has 14 beats grouped asymmetrically into a 5 - 2 - 3 - 4 pattern.
Thumri — Words are important. ThumrI is a common genre of semi-classical Indian music. The text is romantic or devotional in nature and usually revolves around a girl’s love for Krishna. The lyrics are usually in Uttar Pradesh dialects of Hindi called Awadhi and Brij Bhasha. Thumri is characterized by its sensuality, and by a greater flexibility with the raga.
Tarana — Rhythm is important. The structure consists of the main melody, usually short, repeated many times, with variation and elaboration at the performer’s discretion. There is a second, contrasting melody, usually with higher notes, which is introduced once before returning to the main melody.
Tappa — Extinct. Tappa is a form of Indian semiclassical vocal music. Its speciality is its rolling pace based on fast, subtle and knotty construction. Its tunes are melodious, sweet and depict the emotional outbursts of a lover.

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