Sail E0 Webinar

M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T and U are the nine dance trainees in a company, who go to the chambers of their two head dance teachers A and B, for their yearly appraisal. Each head teacher has time for only three trainees. P has a priority and must be given preference by A or B. R and N do not wish to go to the same head teacher. S goes to A only and T goes to B only. O comes back saying that neither of the two head teachers has time to see him. M does not go with R and U does not go with Q. N and U do not go together. If Q, R and S go together and are seen by one of the head teachers, then which head teacher sees whom,?

A .   B - P, U, T or P, N, T
B .   B - P, M, T or P, N, T
C .   A - M, U, T or N, U, T
D .   A - P, U, T or M, U, T
Answer: Option A

It is given that P may go to A or B and must be seen, whereas S goes to only A, and T goes to only B. It is clear from the data that O has gone back and neither (M and R), nor (U and Q) go together. If Q, R, S go to one head teacher and meet him, the other head teacher sees any two of M, N, U and T along with P, who must be seen. M does not go with R and U doesn't go with Q, so PNT or PUT are seen. Only B can see them as S goes to A. So B - PNT or PUT is correct.  

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