Sail E0 Webinar

Is |n| < 1 ?

(1) nxn<0

(2) x1=2

A .   If the question can be answered with statement 1 alone
B .   If the question can be answered with statement 2 alone
C .   If both statement 1 and statement 2 are needed to answer the question and
D .   If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both statements
Answer: Option C

The question is "Does n lie between -1 & 1?”

(1) INSUFFICIENT: If we add n to both sides of the inequality, we can rewrite it as the following:


we cannot decide the answer based on this

if n = 12 and x = 2 then 1<n<1

however, if n = -3 and x = 3 , n is less than -1

thus, the answer cannot be determined based on statement (1) alone

(2) INSUFFICIENT: x1=2 can be rewritten as x=21=12. However, this statement contains no information about n. hence, answer cannot be determined based on this statement alone as well.

(1) AND (2) SUFFICIENT: If we combine the two statements by plugging the value for x into the first statement, we get n1/2<n.

The only values for n that satisfy this inequality are those greater than 1.

The correct answer is (C).

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