Sail E0 Webinar
Pick out the correct option from the given options to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
In India, at least in the large swathes of it, except perhaps Kashmir and the north-east, winter brings in cheer that all look forward to and cherish the experience --- And that to multitudes of sun-persecuted Indians is the most that can be asked for.(A) If you regularly take the Virar-Churchgate fast in Mumbai, the tram in Kolkata, the steaming autos in Chennai and the rough DTC buses in Delhi you will know how mercifully the little bit of weather respite is received by one and all.(B) It doesn't diminsh the throbbing crowd, but it lessens their suffering.(C) The fury of an abusive summer has subsided and all things around, things alive and inanimate are in ecstasy.
A .  Only A
B .  A and B
C .  A and C
D .  Only C
E .  All the three
Answer: Option B

The first statement of the passage describes how winter brings in cheer to the people living in several parts of India. Statement A says winter brings in a pleasant respite from the sweltering heat. Statement B is a continuation of A and ideally precedes the last statement which sums up the paragraph by saying that to a majority of Indians tormented by the summer heat, winter diminishes their suffering to a large extent. Hence, statement A and B form a coherent paragraph with the two given statements.

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