Sail E0 Webinar

In which of the following years was the maximum parking fee collected ?

A .   2005
B .   2002
C .   2001
D .   2003
Answer: Option D

Calculate the parking fee for each of the years using the same logic as above 2005 = (16% of 200000) × 10 + (14% of 50000)× + (13% of 150000) × 30 + (15% of 75000) × 40 + (20% of 55000) × 50 = 2045000 2002 = (15% of 200000) × 10 + (16% of 50000)× 20 + (15% of 150000) × 30 + (17% of 75000) × 40 + (18% of 55000) × 50 = 2140000 2001 = (15% of 200000) × 10 + (16% of 50000) × 20 + (19% of 150000) × 30 + (17% of 75000) × 40 + (15% of 55000) × 50 = 2237500 2003 = (14% of 200000) × 10 + (17% of 50000) × 20 + (18% of 150000) × 30 + (16% of 75000) × 40 + (19% of 55000) × 50 = 2262500 Hence answer = 2003

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