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In the Database H, a max of how many persons can be there such that for each of them, the data on exactly five of the six features is available?

A .   10000
B .   30000
C .   40000
D .   70000
Answer: Option C

For Database H, total number of entries =1,00,000

We will represent the number of people (in percentage terms) whose data is available by lines as shown in the figure.

As the maximum of 5 out of 6 is asked, we will first consider the 5 details with maximum number of people.

Starting with Name, draw a line to corresponding to 100% people

Now, when we represent students whose address is available,70 % of them, we should ensure that these 70%people are also a part of the 100% whose name details are available. This way, we are maximizing the number of people for whom both the name & address is available

If you want to visualize this using the circles we are used to

Similarly, for the remaining 3 details, we try to have the maximum area of overlap.

For the next 3 details, the figure would be:

Thus the number of people for whom all five of Name Address Email Mobile and Age data is available Is 30%

However, there are 10% people with Fax No. also who have not been considered. We will place those people strategically, them so that the overlapped region for 5 lines, becomes maximum as follows.

Now count the regions where 5 lines are overlapping. It is 40% of the total

Answer is 40% of 100000= 40000. Option (c)

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