Sail E0 Webinar

In Database E, the number of persons, each of whose name, fax number as well as telephone number are available, is at least

A .   1500
B .   3000
C .   4500
D .   7500
Answer: Option C

The second question asks for exactly the opposite of the first question. We need minimum overlap of the three regions (name, fax and telephone number)

1) Database E= Total Entries= Using line technique, we will try drawing lines in such a way that the overlap is minimized as follows

NameFax NumberTelephone Number1005080

In Database E, The Number Of Persons, Each Of Whose Name, Fa...

Thus, the region of minimum overlap of 3 lines is 30% of 15000 = 4500. Option (c)

To visualize this using venn diagrams, see below

In Database E, The Number Of Persons, Each Of Whose Name, Fa...

Line technique is an alternative and better representation of sets where there is no upper limit to the details which need to be compared.

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