Sail E0 Webinar

If the import is growing at an annual rate of 15 % and export is growing at an annual rate of 5 % then percentage increase in trade deficit from 1998-1999 to 2000-01 will be nearest to ?

A .   290 %
B .   340 %
C .   210 %
D .   150%
Answer: Option A

Initial trade deficit 3449510

Import increases at a rate of 15% every year for 4 years. This means that it's final value will be

17609863×1.054= 21404898

Similarly Export increases at a rate of 5% every year for 4 years. This means that it's final value will be


New trade deficit 3361647

Percentage increase is from 3449510 to 3361647 290% increase. 


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