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If the average sales per year from 1991 to 1994 was double the sales in 1990 and the domestic production in 1990 was 15% more than the average production from 1991 to 1994. The percentage excess of domestic production over sales in 1990 was closest to

A .   47%
B .   158%
C .   142%
D .   187%
Answer: Option C

Average sales from 1991 to 1994 =8754=218.75

Thus, sales in 1990 = 109.375

Now, average production from 1991 to 1994= 230

Production in 1990=15% more= 264.5 approximately

Thus, percentage excess of domestic production over sales = 264-109 = 155

There percentage excess over 1990's sales =(155110)×100=142.2%

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