Sail E0 Webinar

If Mr. Bajaj decides to travel from Istanbul to Dubai by road, then what is the minimum total time in which he can complete the entire journey within the given budget?

A .   187.5 hours
B .   189.5 hours
C .   190.5 hours
D .   191.5 hours
Answer: Option C

If Bajaj travels from Istanbul to Dubai by road and on all other routes by air, then he will take 146.5 hours and 8705.Therefore,wehavetosearchforalternativemodesoftransporttoreducethetotalfareby1205.
The best options are taking the road or rail from London to Istanbul, as the air fares on those routes are very high. Trying a few combinations of road and rail, we see that the only one that fits the total budget is by road from London to Paris, by rail from Paris to Vienna, by road from Vienna to Istanbul to Dubai, and by air for all other routes. This combination takes exactly $7500 and 190.5 hours.

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