Sail E0 Webinar

If he hires one more assistant, what is the maximum number of Jasmine shirts that he cancomplete in a day?

A .   40
B .   50
C .   60
D .   30
Answer: Option B

Hiring one more assistant increases the time available for stitching buttons and button holes.

Max. No. of shirts those cutter can cut for JASMINE in a day = 120020 = 60

Time required by Tailors to stitch 60 shirts = (60 × 60) = 3600 mins, whereas time available is

3000 mins only.

Hence maximum No. of shirts that can be stitched in a day = 300060 = 50

Time consumed by assistant to stitch buttons to 50 shirts = (50 × 50) = 750 mins

Time available for assistant = (3 × 10 × 60) = 1800 mins.

Hence 50 shirts can be completed in a day.


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