Sail E0 Webinar

If during the entire day from 8:00 hrs, no devotee left the precinct only at 9:00 hrs, then how many times did exactly 2 devotees leave the precinct together?

A .   nil
B .   once
C .   twice
D .   thrice
Answer: Option C

option c. twice

As no devotee left at 9:00 hrs, 1 visitor who entered at 8:00 hrs left at 10:00 hrs. 2 devotees entered at 9:00 hrs and left at 11:00 hrs or 1 left at 10:00 hrs and 1 at 11:00 hrs. Keeping in mind that at no other time did no staff member leave the unit, the table can be completed as follows:

Hence, (c ) is the answer.

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