Sail E0 Webinar

If D is incapable of running the race and no replacement horse is found; and if the horses that run, finish the race from the first to the last, in the order 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 (corresponding to the numbers of their jockeys) then which of the following must have finished last in the race?

A .   A
B .   B
C .   C
D .   E
Answer: Option B

As per the question, jockey 5 has not been assigned any horse and hence E has to be assigned to jockey 4 . So B cannot be assigned to jockeys 2 and 6 as per condition(iii).Also, A or C should be ridden by jockey 1 which leaves us with only one choice wherein B is ridden by jockey 7.Hence option(b).

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