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Given that p and q belong to a set of natural numbers

If set S = {7, q , 12, 8, p , 9}, is p + q greater than 18?
(1) The range of set S is less than 9.
(2) The average of p and q is less than the average of set S.

A .   (A)
B .   (B)
C .   (C)
D .   (D)
E .   660
Answer: Option B

(1) INSUFFICIENT: Statement (1) tells us that the range of S is less than 9. The range of a set is the positive difference between the smallest term and the largest term of the set. We cannot get a definite answer from this data
Let p = 7 and q = 7. The range ofSis less than 9 and p + q < 18, so we conclude YES.
Let p = 10 and q = 10. The range of S is less than 9 and p + q > 18, so we conclude NO.

Because this statement does not allow us to answer definitively Yes or No, it is insufficient.

(2) SUFFICIENT: Statement (2) tells us that the average of p and q is less than the average of the set S. Writing this as an inequality:

Therefore, statement (2) is SUFFICIENT to determine whether p + q > 18.

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