Sail E0 Webinar
Given below are two statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below–

  • Assertion (A): The society during Satavahana period was divided into four castes on the basis of profession.

  • Reason (R): They wanted a progressive society free from many narrow attitudes.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?
A .  Both A and R are true, but R is not correct explanation of A
B .  A is true, but R is false
C .  A is false, but R is true
D .  Both A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A
Answer: Option B
Answer: (b)
The society during the Satavahana period retained much of its earlier flexibility. Divided into four main classes the social condition during the Satavahanas was then rather contemporary.
The whole society was divided into four main classes, as for example maharathis, mahabhojas and mahasenapatis belonged to the first class and that was the highest class in the society. The Samantas also belonged to this class. Mahabhojas belonged to north konkar whereas maharastis belonged to the western ghats.
The second class comprised of the officials as well as non officials. Amathas, mahamatias and chandrikas were the officials which formed this class. Among the non-officials were the naigama or merchant, the sarthvaha or the head of a carvan of traders and the stresthin
i.e. head of the trade guide, lekhaka or scribe, vaidya or physician, halakiya or cultivator, suvarnkara or goldsmith and gandhika or druggist etc.
formed the third class. Lastly, the fourth class was comprised of the vardnika or carpenter, malakara or the gardener, lohavanija or blacksmith and dasaka or fisherman.

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