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For how many of the five products is the cost per unit more than the average cost of all the given products?

A .   1
B .   2
C .   3
D .   4
Answer: Option A

Cost per unit of A = (19100)×11(24100)×4000 = 217
Cost per unit of C = (18100)×11(19100)×4000 = 148
Cost per unit of D = (20100)×11(17100)×4000 = 229
Cost per unit of E = (20100)×11(22100)×4000 = 229
Average cost of all the given products = (217+427+148+229+229)5 = 12505 = 250.
Therefore, only for B, the cost per unit is more than the average cost of all the given products. 

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