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Einstein, Hemmingway, Van Gogh. These are some of the most gifted and talented minds ever to grace the earth. Were they normal? No, in fact they were far from it. Each had weaknesses of his own. Einstein was known to be a little crazy. Hemmingway enjoyed throwing one back every now and again. And Van Gogh was deeply depressed for years. So can these men still be geniuses despite their conditions? If so, then was the great John Nash brilliant as well or simply insane?
A .  Einstein, Hemmingway, Van Gogh were immensely gifted and talented. They were geniuses in all respects.
B .  Einstein, Hemmingway, Van Gogh were God's own gift to humanity. Each had a weakness of his own kind. John Nash demonstrated similar traits. Were they truly geniuses ?
C .  John Nash can be truly regarded as brilliant as Einstein, Hemmingway and Van Gogh. All of them had some weakness or the other, however, that did not detract their greatness from them.
D .  The most gifted minds were in fact a little crazy. This facet is amplified by great geniuses like Einstein, Hemmingway, Van Gogh and Nash.
Answer: Option B
option (b) Options (a), (c) and (d) represent individual facets, only b captures the essence.

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