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Each zone is given as many points as the number of companies who sold Frisbees in it. If there is exactly one zone where no company sold Frisbees, then the aggregate number of points given to all the zones is

A .   15
B .   16
C .   14
D .   17
Answer: Option A

Given that there is one zone where no company sold
Frisbees. Let Z4 be such a zone.
Assume that A sells Frisbees in zone Z1, so the other
company that sells Frisbees in Z1 has to be E.
Since G has three competitors, therefore the number of
companies selling Frisbees in the zone where G sells is 4.
Lets assume G sells in Z2, therefore the complete list of
companies selling Frisbees in Z2 is E, G, C and H.
The same holds true for B, which has three competitors.
Lets assume B sells in Z3, therefore the complete list of
companies selling Frisbees is E, B, C and H.
Now, since the number of competitors of D and F are 4
each the complete list of companies selling Frisbees in Z5 will
be E, D, F, C and H.
The following table can be made now.


Aggregate number of points given to all the zones
= 2 + 4 + 4 + 5 = 15

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