Sail E0 Webinar
Consider the following statements:

  1. There was remarkable progress in the fields of trade and industry during the Satavahana rule.

  2. The greatest port of the Satavahanas was Kalyani on the western Deccan.

Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
A .  1 and 2 both
B .  2 only
C .  1 only
D .  None
Answer: Option A
Answer: (a)
During the Satavahana rule, merchants organised guilds to increase their activities. The craft guilds organized by different craftsmen such as potters, weavers and oil pressers also came into existence. Silver coins called Karshapanas were used for trade.
The Satavahana period also witnessed overseas commercial activity. Ptolemy mentions many ports in the Deccan. The greatest port of the Satavahanas was Kalyani on the western Deccan.
Gandakasela and Ganjam on the east coast were the other important seaports.

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