Sail E0 Webinar

Among the following, whose pet is farthest from R’s pet?

A .   S
B .   P
C .   U
D .   Cannot be determined
Answer: Option A

From (iii) we get that T`s pet and Q's pet are immediately next to each other. From (iv), we get V's pet is no.3 or 4 or 5. From (v), we know that there are two pets between R's and V's pet and that Q's pet is adjacent to V. Furthur, since Q's pet and T's pet should be together, the order should be RTQV or VQTR, if it is RTQV, the right most position V's pet can occupy position no.5 and hence R will be the second pet. From condition (ii), S's pet should be in no.1 position, 6th pet will be P's, which will not satisfy condition (i). So, RQTV is not possible.

We will have only VQTR. Since S's pet is on the left side of R's pet, only P's and U's pet can then come to right. But then condition (i) and (ii), we need to have S's pet in the first place. Then P's and U's pets will br in 2nd and 3rd position in any order.

Thus the two possible arrangements are SPUVQTR and SUPVQTR.

S’s pet is farthest from R’s pet.

Choice (a)

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