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Among the following statements which are the incorrect ones.

A. Salaries & wages of each company in the iron & steel sector were up to 13 times its losses reported in each of the loss-marking years.

B. Total salaries & wages over 2001-2003 as percent of total sales of the same period for the pharmaceuticals sector had been the minimum.

C. Total salaries & wages over 2001-2003 as percent of total sales of the same period for only two companies exceeded 20 percent.

D. Total profits / Total Sales for all the four sectors taken together was higher in 2002 than in 2001.

A .   B,C,D
B .   B,C
C .   B,D
D .   A,D
Answer: Option A
Statement A: Correct (By Observation)
Statement B: Incorrect as the percentage is minimum for electronics sector
SectorsRequired PercentageTextiles8.31%Pharmaceuticals7.774%Electronics7.77%Iron and steel9.64%
Statement C: Incorrect
It is incorrect as for no company the required percentage is greater than 20%
Statement D: Incorrect
In the year 2002 the ratio of total profit to the total sales is -0.02880 and in the year 2001 the given ratio is -0.0260.

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