Add the following decimals and then express it as a fraction.
7.205, 8.012, 3.1, 4.9, 27.3, 3.0009, 8.0102. [4 MARKS]
Answer: Option A
Making them into like decimals: 1 Mark
Mathematical operation: 1 Mark
Fraction expression: 2 Marks
Now converting the decimals given into like decimals and adding it.
0– 7. 2 0 5 0–
0– 8. 0 1 2 0–
0– 3. 1 0– 0– 0–
0– 4. 9 0– 0– 0–
2 7. 3 0– 0– 0–
0– 3. 0 0 0 9
0– 8. 0 1 0 2
We get 6 1. 4 2 8 1
(II) Now, 61. 4281 can be rounded up
to 61.428
to 61. 43
to 61. 4
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Making them into like decimals: 1 Mark
Mathematical operation: 1 Mark
Fraction expression: 2 Marks
Now converting the decimals given into like decimals and adding it.
0– 7. 2 0 5 0–
0– 8. 0 1 2 0–
0– 3. 1 0– 0– 0–
0– 4. 9 0– 0– 0–
2 7. 3 0– 0– 0–
0– 3. 0 0 0 9
0– 8. 0 1 0 2
We get 6 1. 4 2 8 1
(II) Now, 61. 4281 can be rounded up
to 61.428
to 61. 43
to 61. 4
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